
Pursuit is a health education and dietary guidance application aimed at helping users develop healthy habits, particularly towards eating and meal selection.  Pursuit wanted to expand their app’s offerings and streamline user experience while onboarding.


NBT was hired to add meal plan functionality, improve onboarding for users, and identify opportunities
for optimizing the mobile application’s user interface.


NBT identified multiple issues with the user experience: Slow load times Frequent crashes Unorganized,
hard-to-find recipes Mismatched photos and videos for some recipes Broken or difficult-to-navigate recipe user flow.

Addressing these issues was accomplished through a combination of efforts: Refactoring performance hotspots in the app
Upgrading several libraries used in the app, Restructured first-use experience and added tooltips to explain features, Added quality of life features to help end-users utilize the app more frequently.


NBT’s work culminated in some important and impressive wins for the Pursuit team: Average 60% improvement of load times in-app, 50% higher end-user utilization of advanced app features, 70% fewer app crashes as recorded by users.

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